If You Could Live Your Life Over Again

Is it me, or does it seem like the pace of life is out-of-control around the Holidays. For many of us, the pace of life may seem to be this way all year long.

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and encourage you to take time to catch your breath, relax and re-focus. Give thanks for your blessings, big or small.

 If You Could Live Your Life Over Again

A survey asked over 4,000 retired executives, with an average age of 70,  the question… “If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?”

  1. I would take charge of my life and set my own goals earlier. Life isn’t practice, it’s the real thing.
  2. I would take better care of my health. Health is our first wealth.
  3. I would manage my money better.
  4. I would spend more time on personal development.
  5. I would have more fun with people I care about.
  6. I would give back more.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it count. Live with passion and strive to “make a dent in the universe” (Steve Jobs)

Here is a blog post “take back your life in 10 steps”. I encourage you to check out the Energy Project for more ideas.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”

— Melody Beattie

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Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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