You are doing OK? Compared to What? Q3 Market Update.

Q3 2013 Market Update in Video Format

Markets had a very strong Q3 and they start Q4 with caution regarding the debt ceiling, government shutdown, and challenges with the Federal Reserve.

If you are unsure of your financial strategy, I suggest you spend some time reviewing this video and pdf.  Many people I meet say their investments “are doing OK”.  I always ask, “OK compared to what?”  Is your goal just to make money or do you want to make sure you capture your “fair share” of market returns?

For my clients, our goal is to capture our “fair share” of market returns and diversify investments on a global basis.  We do this by utilizing Dimensional Funds rather than just indexing the portfolio.  If you are using active management like American Funds or other commission based products,  a significant portion of your “fair share” is likely going to your advisor or elsewhere in the form of fees, commissions, trading costs and market timing.  If you want proof, we offer a free 2nd opinion about your financial strategy.  Give us a call.

What are the implications for the long-term investor?  Watch our brief Q3 video below.

 Enjoy the rest of 2013!  We only have 78 days left!

 QMR_Q3_2013 – Invest with Integrity  – Download the Q3 PDF

Integrity Investment Advisors, LLC is a fee-only independent Registered Investment Advisory Firm. We are headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado and serve clients on a national basis. If you know anyone who may benefit from our services, please contact us. 2013 Press Release: Integrity Investment Advisors, LLC and Managing Partner Todd Moerman are pleased to have recently joined an exclusive group of wealth managers offering the low cost mutual funds of Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) to its clients. We are an approved DFA advisor.

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Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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