Fear & Hope!

“Nothing in our immediate future will be easy. The number of cases will rise. The losses will increase. The markets will stumble. But make no mistake about it, we will prevail, because the only thing more contagious than a virus is hope.”  – William McRaven – Retired Navy Admiral



These are definitely scary times! Never before have we forced a global recession to save lives. Since I get a tremendous amount of news feed, data and opinions, I thought I would share some key resources and thoughts. We have a tremendous amount of dedicated, brave Healthcare professionals and other industries that are working to provide solutions and services. Thank You for your efforts and service!



There is never a good time to have a less than optimal portfolio. Pullbacks of -10% to -20%+ are normal in any given year and can expose potential red flags. Eventually, human grit and ingenuity will win in the long run.  Behavior and emotion may take over in the short-term, but we will figure this out. Please see the video below. You can pause to look at the details. In the video, you will see key data comparing this decline to other recessions (2009, 2000, 1987, 1974). Are you going to be OK? How do you keep your retirement plan “on track”? Don’t let emotion & fear cause you to make behavioral mistakes. If you need help, please reach out and schedule a meeting.



We encourage you to have a PLAN to quantify your dreams, goals and to plan for recessions.  It is important to “stress test” your plan and portfolio. Click this calendar link to schedule a meeting with Todd — We give free 2nd opinions about your portfolio and strategy – https://calendly.com/todd-iia 



















Thanks for reading/ watching. This website is for educational purposes only and is not investment advice.  Please Remember: Past performance may not be indicative of future results.  Moreover, no current or prospective investor should assume that future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in any general informational materials or educational sessions, will be profitable or equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s).  Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for an investor’s retirement portfolio.  Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this website serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Integrity Investment Advisors, LLC. To the extent that a reader has any questions regarding the applicability of any specific issue discussed above to his/her individual situation, he/she is encouraged to consult with the professional advisor of his/her choosing.


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Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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You have successfully subscribed. Thank you! Here are some free resources - Video - A note from your future self - https://youtu.be/HKMYTLyhOGU 5 Free Checklists That May Save You Thousands – Really! Countless people need help in these areas. Checklists include: end of year tax planning, funding a child's college education, caring for aging parents, items to consider before you retire, critical documents to keep on file. Please like & share with family & friends. You can download the PDFs for free. https://www.integrityia.com/5-free-checklists-that-may-save-you-thousands-really/

Todd Moerman - Integrity Investment Advisors

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